Precinct Structure Planning
Narracan Lakes
The NBA Group was approached by land owners to prepare a series of plans to identify the future opportunities of a unique lifestyle precinct on the southern shores of Lake Narracan. The site sat outside the designated growth area boundaries and essentially included the planning of an entirely new town.
The NBA Group successfully lobbied the State and Local governments to prioritise the rezoning and development plan process, oversee the structure planning for the precinct and ultimately aim to turn land into lots, albeit as part of an overall strategic direction for the Moe-Newborough as distinct to it being a standalone precinct.
This project provides for a range of land uses including a golf course, recreational precinct, tertiary education, marina and foreshore development, tourist park, function and events centres, as well as a diversity in housing product, which was sought to attract new residents and increased investment in the area.
This project was approved by the Minister for Planning and subsequently two separate subdivision planning applications were approved for Turras Reach and Thompsons Bay, as per the endorsed precinct structure plan (PSP). The planning applications are approved and development is due to commence onsite early 2021.